GCGCNY Cell Plans

Crave Spiritual Milk – Cell Plan


Icebreaker question: What is one challenging experienced you’ve faced or something you’ve had to learn (i.e. relocating for work, learning a new skill, etc.)?


Worship the Lord together!


1 Peter 2:2-3

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 

now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

Sermon Outline

Main Idea: Crave pure spiritual milk

  1. “Grow up in your salvation” – this analogy is about spiritual growth (i.e. freedom from power & presence of sin)
  2. “Crave” – like babies crave on instinct, Peter commands us to crave pure spiritual milk.
  3. “Pure” – like newborns, Christians can die if you feed them alternatives to spiritual milk
  4. “Spiritual Milk” – this represents the word, which is: (1) the written word, (2) the proclaimed word, and (3) the incarnate word


  1. Spiritual milk was described as the written word, the proclaimed word, and the incarnate word – which of the three do you experience the most, and which of the three would you like to desire more of?
  2. Spiritual growth results from being fed pure spiritual milk – what has your experiences growing in the faith looked like?
  3. How has pure spiritual milk affected the way you view and interact with the power and presence of sin?


  • Reminder: There will be a summer adult zone fellowship on August 25th at 12:45 – 3:00 in the multipurpose gym. Please sign up through the link: gcgcny.link/zonesignup


