GCGCNY Cell Plans

Fall DG Welcome

Icebreaker (20 minutes)*

How was the start of the new term for everyone?

Share something surprising you’ve learned since the start of September.

Show and tell: share some pictures of what you’ve been up to from your phone’s camera roll, or do a house/room tour if you’re meeting online.

*Note: feel free to mix and match from the above icebreaker prompts!

Prayer (20 minutes)

Spend 10 minutes in personal prayer, going through the prayer of examen.

Prayer of Examen

1. Place yourself in God’s presence. Give thanks for God’s great love for you. 
2. Pray for the grace to understand how God is acting in your life. 
3. Review your day — recall specific moments and your feelings at the time. 
4. Reflect on what you did, said, or thought in those instances. Were you drawing closer to God, or further away? 
5. Look toward tomorrow — think of how you might collaborate more effectively with God’s plan.

Journal your reflections on the prayer. Share with each other what you thought about or what God spoke to you as you prayed. Pray for each other in thanksgiving.

Sharing (40 minutes)

What are some goals you have for the rest of the year (personal, academic, relational, etc.)?

What are some ways in which you would like witness God in your life?

How would you like to grow in DG for the next four months? What kind of support what you would like?

Pray in partners for each other to grow in the Lord, and for any personal prayer requests.



