This plan is designed to have a Nurturer guide the study, feel free to have other cell members support any of the sections as part of nurturing. All instructions are identified for Nurturer. A separate document (cell content) is meant to be shared.
This cell plan is based on the sermon shared on Sunday, February 2nd, 2025.
Prepare Ahead
- Read Cell Vision Statement
- Meditate on Hebrews 2:1-9
- Link to sharable version for members: Cell Content
Nurturer: If there are new members today joining for the first time ask everyone to share something about themselves.
- Note: Has it been a while since your cell has reviewed the cell vision statement? Review it together at: Cell Based Ministry
Icebreaker: If you could wake up anywhere where would it be and what would be happening?
In addition to the regular musical/prayer/reading worship section, we will be incorporating a bible reading section
Ask: How was your bible reading in the last 2 weeks, share something from your readings with the group!
Note: If sharing is scarce and always the same people, can start a rotation schedule
Go into musical worship if someone is scheduled. Continue to ask if members of the cell are willing to lead this portion in the future.
Please pray for the group to begin the study.
Nurture: For those who would like to allot this portion of the night to something else feel free to use the prayer exercise:
- Prayer Exercise
- Lectio divina
Hebrews 2:1-9
We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. 2 For since the message spoken through angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, 3 how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. 4 God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.
5 It is not to angels that he has subjected the world to come, about which we are speaking. 6 But there is a place where someone has testified:
“What is mankind that you are mindful of them,
a son of man that you care for him?
7 You made them a little lower than the angels;
you crowned them with glory and honor
8 and put everything under their feet.”
In putting everything under them, God left nothing that is not subject to them. Yet at present we do not see everything subject to them. 9 But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.
Nurturer: Review the sermon with the group and ask if there’s anything that stood out, then go through the discussion questions. Ask the following questions, the goal is to facilitate conversation, not a Q&A, this section doesn’t have to have everyone share their personal thoughts but try to get everyone in the conversation. In order to allow for deeper discussion, consider breaking the group up into smaller groups to allow more space for sharing.
Sermon/Teaching Summary
- Context: The author of Hebrews begins to address the issue of believers who have experienced God in one way or another, but now have begun to drift away by:
- Warning them of the consequences they would face if they neglected their salvation.
- And reminded them of Jesus who is the reason for their salvation.
- The author includes “therefore” into this portion of his letter because:
- He had established the greatness of Jesus by explaining that Jesus is God the Son and goes on to articulate the similarities of the Father and Son.
- Afterwards, he demonstrates Jesus being superior to all others through Jesus’ title of ‘Son of God’
- To the Romans it would imply the one who brings peace.
- To the angels it would imply the one of deserves their worship.
- To the Jews it would imply the one brings safety and prosperity.
- With these things in mind the warning of neglecting Jesus’ gift of life were to be taken very seriously because He paid the penalty for sin that we might live.
Main Reflection & Response:
- What sort of things make it difficult for you to spend time in the presence of God?
- Note: Take time to pray over these things after everyone has had the chance to share.
- Note: Take time to pray over these things after everyone has had the chance to share.
- What sort of activities have helped you experience God in the most memorable way (Reading the Bible, prayer, serving, worship, outreach/witnessing, solitude, etc.)?
- Note: If members share more than one activity try to focus in on one or two that can easily be repeated on a daily basis.
- Note: If members share more than one activity try to focus in on one or two that can easily be repeated on a daily basis.
- (PLEASE READ NOTICE FIRST) How is your spiritual life (are you drifting or anchored)?
- Note: This question is deep/blunt and has been excluded from the cell plan. Feel free to include this question if time allows and is appropriate for the cell.
- In what direction are you drifting?
- How do you stay anchored?
- What are the commitments you want to make this season to be anchored?
- Note: This question is deep/blunt and has been excluded from the cell plan. Feel free to include this question if time allows and is appropriate for the cell.
- Grad transition:
- Every year, some of our post-secondary students will graduate and be ready to transition into adult zone. As part of the transition, the intention is to have each cell pray and invite grads into their cells (as individuals, not as a group)
- Timeline:
- June – Confirmed list of graduates
- June – August: Adult Zone outreach period, pray over and invite graduates to cell and out of cell activities
- September: Official transition
- When June comes, the graduate coordinator will have more details to help each cell support the graduates.
- Today: Start praying for our cells, are we ready to welcome grads into the cell? What do we need to do to prepare for the transition.
- Bible Reading:
- This year, we will be going through a 2 year bible reading plan together. Access to plan at Use this to share regularly in your cell about what you’re hearing from God.
- Ask your cells:
- English congregation is planning to have a day conference early spring next year (April/May), it is still preliminary and we want to get a sense of what people are looking for and whether they’re willing to help with the event:
- Some details for now:
- The conference will be a day event
- It will be for everyone in English and the focus will be around the 5 pillars of our church
- A mix of equipping, visioning and fellowshipping.
- Some details for now:
- English congregation is planning to have a day conference early spring next year (April/May), it is still preliminary and we want to get a sense of what people are looking for and whether they’re willing to help with the event:
- Cell Teams
- Thinking about joining the cell team? Talk to your nurturer!
- Summary of new Cell Roles: Document Link
- More Details and Sign up forms:
- Thinking about joining the cell team? Talk to your nurturer!
- Cell Outreach Process
- Gather a group cell members to go and get to know people/person that we are hoping to bring into the cell.
- Existing Relationships
- Share the details with the cell group and pray for the outreaching process
- Cell Request List
- The cell request list is for people without direct connections to anyone in cell right now, pray regularly for the list to see if God is moving you to reach out of any of them
- Existing Relationships
- As relationships establish with others in the cell (outside of the cell setting), share with them the purpose of cell groups (leverage vision statement) and invite them in.
- Gather a group cell members to go and get to know people/person that we are hoping to bring into the cell.